Tell your story ...
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A full-service advertising, marketing and communications firm, L•A provides an integrated approach to developing and initiating strategic marketing plans that consider a variety of traditional (print) and digital (online) marketing tactics, including new technologies such as Generative AI, Artificial Intelligence to Tell your story ... Share your brand!™. L•A focuses on WHY you’re in business, so you can spend more time working on your business ... and achieve success! We execute a plan, measure our results and adjust accordingly. We’re accommodating to all budgets. Everything is estimated in advance and billed at a fixed cost. Our job is to make your job easier. There is no middle person interpreting your needs. You work directly with our team of marketing and technology experts, and creative professionals.
"Grounded in traditional advertising, marketing and communications methods, coupled with today’s best practices in the use of digital technology, the L•A process ensures that all mediums of choice are seamlessly linked together to achieve your business, marketing, and sales goals. Tell your story ... Share your brand!™"
– Larry Kacyon
Larry Kacyon
President & CEO
Integrated Marketing Specialist
Matthew Kacyon
Web Developer
Jeff White
Interim Creative Director
Retiring after 38 years!
Marci Kacyon
Executive Editor
Work directly with our team of marketing and technology experts, and creative professionals.